It's a strange world
People are strange but I'm stranger
Strange for trying to see only the better parts of people
That I think they deserve my full attention
Even if they seem to not really care
Is it like that ?
Did you really stop caring ?
The last email I sent you was a lengthy one
You never did reply, we never talked about it
I always knew you never wanted to get back with me
I guess I simply wasn't good enough all of a sudden
I don't know
But I moved on, I've accepted the facts
You've made a clear statement when you started dating/making with random people
That weren't really interested in you even if you hanged on them
For some bizarre reason
Even if it bothers me that you don't want to fool around
With maybe the most decent person that crossed your path
Always building double standards
You always thought I'd believe we wuz gonna get back together if we fooled around
But I'm delusional nor a retard
It always baffled me why it was okay with assholes
And not with the person that never had a hidden agenda
That respected you, that cuddled with you even if we weren't together no more
That was willing to talk about stuff that ripped him in inside in half
Only to be a good friend, because I care and always wanted to be there
Don't lie
Once you got in the zone, you liked those late nights with me
Hanging around, watching a movie, fooling
I always was a gentleman when it came to this kind of stuff
Never treating you like a tool, like something usable for one night
A feeling you might get from others
Bear in mind, this kind of respect coming from an ex ?
Maybe you never thought about it
But it's kind of a big deal in our days
Always there when you needed someone to cuddle with if you felt down
But you weren't there always when I needed to
And it was okay, I understood the fact that we are not the same
But I do miss those late nights
The stupid movies, the way you acted like you didn't want to
When you did
Didn't we say that we'll still fool around until one of us gets committed ?
I guess you forgot
I am moving on, I know you don't see much in me anymore
I've always told you that our innocent play isn't a drawback for me
I am moving forward but it's nice to recall what I'm looking for
And maybe it should remind what you're looking for, too
Those nights have that sort of gift
Maybe you'll read these lines in a distant future
When those nights won't be possible anymore for various reasons
Oh, those long wintery nights (well, not so long, you used to fall asleep so fast, hah ..)